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Meditation. Mindfulness. Yoga.

Child's Pose
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My name is Ondrea "Ondi" Imbo and I am a 500HR RYT. I have been an avid meditator since 2013, and I began exploring and practicing yoga and its philosophies in 2015.

In addition to being a meditation and yoga instructor, I have been a Business Professional for 19 years. I understand, firsthand, the demands that a 40+ hour workweek can have on our lives. Practicing mindfulness and yoga helps me to manage both professional and personal stressors, and I am a firm believer that any and everyone can benefit from having a daily practice.

Pursuing an advanced training in meditation and yoga has been one of the most rewarding and satisfying choices I have ever made. I truly enjoy inspiring others to commit to long-term wellness and mindfulness goals to improve physical and mental health.

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“Life is a current of energy that is generated by the magnetic force of the soul.” - David Frawley

David Frawley

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Let’s connect.

Are you ready to begin your practice? If so, please scroll down below to see what I have to offer, or get in touch to learn more about classes, workshops, and making yoga and meditation a part of your lifestyle.

~ Peace and Blessings ~


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